Rock And Mineral Display Cases
Many of us have the tendency to over collect as rock and artifact collectors. We get all excited about the hunt and we collect, collect, collect. But what are we supposed to do with all these specimens we’ve accumulated? If you’re like a lot of us, they end up in a cardboard box and thrown into the basement or onto a shelf in the garage.
But thats just sad! There’s a reason we collect these rocks. It’s because they mean something to us. And we should take the time to display them proudly for all the world to see!
That’s why in this post I’m going to share with you why you should display your rocks in a rock collection box, and even tell you which ones I believe to be the best rock collecting boxes around.
Interested? Then keep reading!
But first, here are the 5 best display cases that are discussed in this post.
Rock Collecting Box Full of Fossils
Just recently, I took my kids on a trip to the beach along the Oregon coast. The beaches we visited are well known for producing agates, fossils and petrified wood. The agates were difficult to find, but the fossils littered the beach. Almost every rock you picked up had some kind of a fossil in it. It was incredible.
Unfortunately, since this was an impromptu trip, we didn’t have the rock collecting tools needed to collect fossil specimens from out of the sandstone cliffs. We did however, find many other small fossils that were easily accessible without tools.
So what did we do? Like any good rock collector, we began collecting. The problem is, we ended up with enough sea shell fossils to give away to every fossil junkie in the world. We put them into our cardboard box and brought them home. And that’s where they sat.
But after all that work of going out and looking for these fossils, it would be a crime to show them off in a rock display case or rock collection box. So that’s when I set out to start looking for the best rock collection box.
Upgrade Your Rock Collecting Box
Right now, I’m focusing on my most recent collection of Oregon beach fossils. I’ve decided to take the advice from an article written by John Betts over at Betts states, “Eliminating specimens from your collection is a good thing, not bad.” There’s no reason to hang onto a collection of fossils that no one will probably ever see again.
My plan is to choose my best fossil specimens and display them. Then I will take the rest and find someone to trade with. When talking specifically about mineral trading, John Betts recommends trading with other collectors from different regions. I assume this holds true for fossils as well. If I can’t find a good trade, then I will give them away. Better to be displayed and enjoyed by someone than sitting in a box all by themselves.
Once I’ve narrowed down my “best of” in the Oregon beach fossil collection, it will be time to decide how to best display them. Since I’ve decided that keeping them in a rock collecting box does not do justice to the collection, I’ve made the decision to not use a box at all.
The Best Rock Collection Display Case Reviews (Top 5)
1. 50 Black Gem Jars in Glass Top Display Case
So for me, this is the best rock collection display case. The reason I like it is because it has 50 removable plastic containers in it that hold your rock collection.
The nice thing is that all of these little plastic containers come out of the display case. This makes it possible to display individual rocks or fossils at a time, without having to display the entire collection.
The foam thats in the bottom of the rock collection case is cut to fit, and holds the individual gem jars very snug. There’s no worry of having them slip out.
The other thing that was appealing to me about this rock collection case is the space that’s inside of it. Even with the plastic gem jars inside and the lid closed, there’s still about 2 inches between the jars and the glass. This is good for us, as we may end up removing the jars at some point in order to display larger specimens in our rock collection.
2. Wuligirl Multifunctional Velvet Rock Collecting Box
This is another really nice rock collection box. The main difference between this one and the first rock display case we reviewed, is that this display case doesn’t come with the small plastic gem jars, nor is the foam cut out to accommodate jars.
But this rock collection storage box does feature a large space between the foam and the glass cover, making it a great choice for displaying larger rock specimens.
The other thing I like about this rock collection display case is are the two lockable latches. This helps provide an extra layer of protection against would be thieves.
3. Rock Collection Box By FindingKing
This is another similar rock collection display case. It’s the same color as the previous two display cases we mentioned here. The main difference is that this one does not come with an integrated foam backing.
The lack of foam backing might be exactly what you need to display your rock collection. Or, maybe you have your own backing that’s already a part of your rock collection, and you simply just need a display case to put it in. Then this would be a good choice for you.
This rock box is 14 3/4″W x 8 1/4″D x 2 1/8″H in size and features the clear glass to keep your rocks dust free as well as a single center mounted latch to secure the top of the box. Note, however, that the latch is not lockable.
4. Hand Made Rock Collection Display Case By Two Timbers
If you’re serious about making your rock collection or fossil collection look spectacular, then this handmade rock collection box by Two Timbers is for you.
Constructed out of solid oak, this rock collection display case is finished in cherry colored stain to give it the elegant look that separates it from all the other rock collection displays out there.
At 2″x9″x15″ this case features two brass latches that are lockable to provide extra protection of your rock collection. The cover is made with real glass for extra clarity while proudly displaying your collection.
5. Floating Display Case
The last rock collection box on our review list is a little different in style then the other display cases that we’ve reviewed in this post. That’s because it’s one that I made myself!
This is a display case I recently made for an artifact I found. But it can also be used for rocks and minerals as well.
We’ve all seen the display cases where the artifact is pressed between a foam back and the glass of the box. Those are nice, but not the look I was going for.
So I wanted to share with you what I ended up putting together and how I did it. Just in case you’re looking for inspiration to do something similar.
What I like about this display case is that it creates a floating effect for the specimen. It’s a very easy project and doesn’t cost much to make.
If you’d like to learn how to make this type of display, you can read all about it here.
Final Thoughts
Do you tend to over collect like I do? Wouldn’t it be great if all of us rockhounds started showing off all the cool things we find? I highly recommend getting a rock display of your own going! If you’re still looking for the right display case, I’m confident that any of the cases I mentioned in this post will do a great job.
If you have any tips for the rest of us rockhounds, especially about rock collections boxes and displaying rock collections, feel free to share with us!
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Happy rock seeking!