Rock Collection Overload: Creative Display and Storage Solutions from a Pro Rockhound

What To Do With All Those Rocks?

It’s the dilemma that every rockhound faces. So many rocks and not enough places to put them.

What exactly is the best way to display your collection so that you can not only enjoy looking at them, but other people can also enjoy checking all the cool finds out.

And if you’re a hard core collector and bringing buckets of material home every weekend, what are you doing with all the stones you’re deciding not to use?

If you’re stuck on ideas, one of the best things you can do is see what other rockhounds are doing and learn from them.

In this video, you get to follow Jared from Currently Rockhounding as he takes you on a tour around his shop and home to show you exactly what he does with all of his rock and mineral specimens.

Not only does he show us where he keeps all the good stuff, how he organizes it and how he displays it, but we get to see where all his unwanted material ends up too…and there’s a lot of it!

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