Pictures of Arrowheads
Arrowhead hunting is a thrilling and exciting activity. One of my favorite things to do is go out early in the morning and wander around a local farmer’s field or along a creek looking for arrowheads.
Arrowhead hunters do what they do for a variety of reasons. Some go out in order to save the antique arrowheads from being smashed by modern farm equipment. Others just prefer heading out into nature, or out into the woods, on a hot day to cool off. While others do it for the sheer excitement of the chase.
The only problem is though, not all of us live in an area where we can go looking for Indian arrowheads. Either it’s not a good area to look or it might just be flat out illegal to do it.
In any case, I thought it would be fun to put together a collection of pictures of authentic Native American Indian arrowheads for those of you who are unable to get out and find them on your own.
And for those of you who are able to go collecting, you’ll still enjoy this collection of pictures of arrowheads!